Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Harvest Moon is 10 days old

Baby Harvest Moon aka Harv is 10 days old and happy to report he's thriving!!
He had rough time a week ago when he decided eating was no fun. Big Mama fed him throughout the day, got his warmth and blood sugar up and has been thriving ever since. He doubled his birth weight in 8 days which is totally on schedule.

He is the sweetest boy ever!

He's figured out where the heat is. He's all ready picked out a favorite toy even though he can't see it yet. I have toys, blankets and obstacles in the box to keep him company and warm.

You can see where his littel eyes are beginning to peek out at you. Won't be long until both peepers are open.

Enjoy the photos of this sweet little guy, a special gift from God.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Announcing Old Snowmass Cotons Harvest Moon

Announcing the arrival of

Old Snowmass Cotons Harvest Moon!

Sierra's Baby Boy

Old Snowmass Cotons is proud to announce Sierra gave birth on September 20, 2009, to a handsome Baby Boy!

Big Mama was too early in her mating with Jack aka Jespersens' Eros in Effigy, thus we have one very special boy.

Sierra is an excellent mother and attends to his every need and desire. She hardly ever leaves his side.

Although he's a tiny little guy, he has a huge personality all ready.

Please enjoy his photos taken when he was 1 day old.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Peace on Earth


Baby Harvey 6 weeks

Baby Harvey 6 weeks
Love Muffin

Cheyenne (8m)

Cheyenne (8m)
Cheyenne's first Christmas

Baby Harvey

Old Snowmass Cotons

Old Snowmass Cotons
Coton breeder in the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains