Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tanner and Cheyenne

Good grief August is almost over, kids are back to school and football starts. I'm sorry where did Summer go? I blinked and it's almost done.

Tanner is now almost 8 months old and Cheyenne is a whopping 4 months now.

Tanner is really favoring his Daddy Remy right now but can also see his beautiful Mother in his face too. Cheyenne still looks like a beautiful princess favoring her Mama's side right now.

They make such a cute couple. They're inseparable and play until they collapse. They love to dine together in their own little pen and will share a bully stick until Cheynne steals in away. Adorable kids!
Next month Sierra's expecting a visit from the Puppy Stork...Stay Tuned!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tanner Best of Breed

Tanner's first dog show was a UKC event in Longmont, Colorado July 18.

He did great for his debut taking Best of Breed in 2 out of the 3 shows he was entered.

He showed very well and I was extremely proud to show my own breeding. He was a happy boy as he toured the ring and he even kissed one of the judges.

We did not take a group placement unfortunately but he did an excellent job for a y6 month old.

Sierra and baby Cheyenne accompanied us to the show and were great supporters. Cheyenne's brother Alfie also came to see us and Cheyenne loved seeing him again. He's a dear little boy who's enjoying his new life in Boulder.

Coton Party

Terri Tyler hosted a wonderful Coton party at her lovely home in Longmont in July. A fun time was had by all!

It was our first Coton party and it was great to see Cotons of all sizes, colors, hair do's and temperaments.

Everyone had a great time and the 20+ Cotons got along great.

Poor Sierra was in high heat and miserable to be in strange surroundings and in hot temperatures. She was mated with Terri's male Jack so we will see if we have puppies in September.

Please enjoy the party photos and the stunning sunset.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Peace on Earth


Baby Harvey 6 weeks

Baby Harvey 6 weeks
Love Muffin

Cheyenne (8m)

Cheyenne (8m)
Cheyenne's first Christmas

Baby Harvey

Old Snowmass Cotons

Old Snowmass Cotons
Coton breeder in the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains