The puppies one by one are making their way to their forever homes where they will all be loved and treasured forever by their new families.
It is, for me, always a bittersweet, sometimes sad time.
A breeder begins anticipating and loving a litter well before the Mother goes into heat. Who should I mate her with, what do I want out of this litter, who will make beautiful puppies together.
You mate her with your best choice, then with hopeful anticipation wonder if she's pregnant. As you anticipate the arrival of your litter, you lovingly make sure your girl gets the best nutrition and all is well with her. She may go off food, you make every thing under the sun to see if she'll eat that. You make sure she's comfortable, none of the other dogs pester her, she gets exercise and supplements.
She starts getting bigger, the due date is closing in on you. You feel the puppies kick and you see her belly go up and down. You wonder what she's thinking.
You prepare the whelping box and nursery, hoping with all your heart everything goes well for your girl and all her puppies who will soon make their grand entrance into the world.
A few days before she's due, you take an x-ray and find out how many puppies you expect. That's always so exciting to see them all squished inside Mom just waiting to pop out.
Your girl goes into labor. Will she be ok. will she have them quickly, will everyone be healthy, what color and gender will the puppies be., will you end up at the ER? All these things go through your mind in a constant antagonizing way.
You wait and sit with your girl as she goes through the stages of labor, wishing beyond anything she could tell you what she needs, what she's thinking. She then quietly begins to push, you see a bubble, a puppy plops out. Hallelujah!
It's a boy, It's a girl! Woo hoo.
You document each birth...weight, sex, time etc. And then wait for the next one.
Hopefully your prayers are answered and they're all here safe and sound! All healthy, happy and fine! Mama cleans them so lovingly. Puppies are nursing with their tails bent down. All is well! Job well done! Time for ice cream!
You watch the puppies gain weight as they nurse and get bigger and bigger. You can't wait for them to open their eyes. When you see them look at you for the first time you just want to smile and say "hello there, welcome to the world"!
They begin to hear, walk, play, eat, run. Each time a miracle, a joy to witness.
They get even bigger. They come to you when called, they want to cuddle and kiss, go out and play, run under the sofa and pop out of the other side, all such a joy to behold!
They are troopers as they receive their first shots, then you get to take them out and about letting the whole world kiss and love them. A proud time for a breeder.
Then with a blink of an eye, it's time to say good-bye. So much joy for the new families who can not wait to hold their new babies in their arms and take them home.
Although it breaks my heart each and every time, it is as nature intended. They are mine but for such a small amount of precious time, I cannot keep them all, but love each and every one.
There is an unknown force who has connected these puppies with their new "people", the people they were put on this planet to be with forever. This is the purpose, the meaning of breeding. We are here to feel the joy, loss so that their families will feel the joy of being loved by a Coton.
Please enjoy Buffy and Bailey after bathing photos as they say good-bye to Old Snowmass and hello to their new Mommy tomorrow.